The birdhouses dispalyed on this page are all custom houses that I have built. They have been carefully crafed to pull out the various key architectural elements of the original structure. If you would like to consider having a custom birdhouse created, please use my contact page to start the discussion. We can use photos you have or often times I can use google earth to get a look at the buidling.

# 001
Newburyport MA
This beautiful sea captains house is located in Newburyport MA. This birdhouse is in our garden in Roswell GA. My wife and I rented 2 small room in this house when we first got married.

# 381
New Castle Presbyterian Church
New Castle Presbyterian Church is a Presbyterian Church congregation located in New Castle, Delaware which conducts worship services weekly within a historic meeting house, which was erected in 1707.

# 117
Second Presbyterian Church
Charleston SC
This beautiful church in Charleston was a great one to build. This custom order was an anniversary gift presented to my customer's wife. They got married in this church.

# 106
Victoria Hall - South GA location
This beautiful South Georgia house was presented as a gift to the owners. The colors and overall style made for a great arhictectural birdhouse.

# 083
Seattle Washington
This beautiful home in Seatlle has been in the family for generations. This house was purchased by a family for their mother's 90th birthday.

# 422
Florida Beach Cottage
This is a family beach cottage given as a gift to the buyers parents. Actual paint colors were provided so I could match the exterior color palette. The porch detail was the main focus on this project.

# 066
Lake Toxaway - Georgia
Custom Order created for Christmas gift to buyers parents. Actual paint colors were provided so I could match the exterior color pallette. jhkjaklsdkljasf alkdsjka klasjklasjklasdf laksddjl aklajklasjkalsf lkjl lakdj lakdjl kjal slkj lkjlkajas laksjd lakjf

# 066
Highlands NC home
Custom build for a new Highlands NC family home.

# 103
Sugar Grove Methodist Church
Custom Order created for Christmas gift. Church dedication was 1890.

# 086
Dumont Street - New Orleans LA
Custom Order created for family gift.

Baker Hill - Northern WV
Custom Order created for Christmas Gift.

Johns Creek - Georgia
Custom Order created for Christmas Gift.